Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dressing for the Show

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Alex has been getting dressed up to watch his movies lately. See Exhibit A and Exhibit B. In Exhibit A, he is sporting shades and a Wiggles guitar to watch his Alphabet DVD and his Steve Songs DVD. He likes to jam the way the people in the movie do. Steve Songs sings songs about a variety of topics, including being a cowboy, his friend the turtle, and elephants playing hide and seek. It is really a cute concert. For every song Alex has to have all of his props ready. The one thing he doesn't have and has been asking for...a cowboy hat! Next time Brad is in Houston, he knows what he needs to pick up! How can a native born Texan not have a cowboy hat??
In Exhibit B, Alex is dressed in his PJs (always) and truck hat, using a yard stick as an "auger driller" in his trucks movie. He stands there and spins the stick to imitate the drill. Not sure what we'll do when he wants to watch a movie and we don't have any suitable "props"! I love, love, love that he has an active imagination.

1 comment:

Margie said...

Saying that he has turned a stick into an auger drill, I'm sure he will come up with "props" from what he has around.