Monday, November 26, 2007

First Snowfall

Right about the time we arrived back in Illinois Sunday, we experienced the year's first snowfall here. Alex was very concerned about the white rain hitting the windshield on the highway, but couldn't wait to get out and play in the falling snow the minute we hit the driveway. Imagine his dismay when we made him get bundled up to play in the cold--snow pants, coat, hat, boots, the whole nine yards! Handmade hat courtesy of Great-Grandma Dot, new this weekend, good timing!

Yes, by the time he was all bundled up, the snow had stopped falling. Alex was still eager to check out the white stuff on the grass though. Just wait until we have a more substantial snowfall, he'll really love that!

Meanwhile, Brad and I have been drinking Swiss Miss like it's going out of style! I'm pretty sure that box has been in our pantry for years. Can hot chocolate ever expire?!? I love using this mug made from Alex's artwork :)


Anonymous said...

Snow!!!! Better you than me.


Unknown said...

Doesn't look like the hat lasted too long. Although he looks quite cute in it.

Nicole Ivory said...

Awe he wore a hat that grams made! Brings back memories of us doing that... Where's the pom pom? Haha!