Saturday, September 13, 2008

How We Started Our Day

Alex and I started our day on our computers, with a check of the night's hurricane events in Houston. Alex, of course, was practicing his letters on his computer while Brad and I were feverishly trying to log on to the Houston news stations and watch the live feeds from various news sources. Tonight we've been able to see more of the damage online as the reporters have ventured out into the suburbs. Looks like the Seabrook area was hit much harder than our old subdivision, Bay Glen, but all scary nonetheless. Even our friends in the Woodlands, TX, north of the city, experienced very high winds, power outages, and downed trees (luckily not on their house).

Chicago was not without their own flooding troubles today as we received more than 6" of rain last night and today! It is supposed to continue raining into tomorrow and the grass is very, very happy :)

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