Monday, October 13, 2008

Halloween is in the Air

Alex, 5 months old

Tonight was very mild outside so we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood and check out the Halloween decorations. We remember doing this in Houston when Alex was very small--walking around, looking at Halloween and Christmas decorations. He has always loved looking at inflatables and things that light up. Sometimes we even go to Target just to walk around the holiday-themed aisles. This year though he has been especially frightened by the scarier scenes, including decorations that make sounds or move when you walk in front of them. It is generally cooler here in December so we may save the Christmas light viewing for small car rides rather than walks with the stroller!

Brad and I have also been looking feverishly to find a cute Halloween costume idea for a pregnant couple. You wouldn't believe how many suggestions are out there on the Internet, some of which are hilarious!! I think we've settled upon something cute, funny, practical, and very affordable so hopefully it works out. It has to be appropriate for both our Halloween party here at home and Alex's family preschool party the next day.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet little pumpkin!

Unknown said...

Man, I remember that Halloween. He's grown so much since then!!