Sunday, October 26, 2008

Preschool Halloween Party

We'll cut the preschool some slack because it was the first year they have thrown a Halloween Party like this, but waiting outside in line for 20 minutes in the 45 degree temps and winds gusting to 30mph was not all that much fun. Once we got through the line and inside the building though, Alex had a great time playing all the games and trick or treating around the gym. All of the kids had such great costumes and looked so super cute.
Alex has loved eating so many treats this weekend and cannot wait to go trick-or-treating Friday afternoon. Luckily his costume is warm because it is awfully chilly up here already. We were nervous that the other parents wouldn't dress up for this party, but about 50% of them did so we didn't feel too out of place. I think Alex's favorite costume sightings were Batman, Spiderman, and the Little Mermaid!


Anonymous said...

Alex looks adorable (and very warm) in his costume!

Unknown said...

Quite a difference from Alex's first or second Halloween where it was so hot and he was sweating in his costume!

Both look like they were quite the party.

Nicole Ivory said...

I love Alex's costume, but I really like what you and Brad did! Very creative!!