Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ice Skating 101

Getting suited up!

He had the walking part down pat!

Alex with Mommy, 38 weeks.

No, Mama did not go ice skating :) But, Alex and Brad had a good time at the park district ice rink on Monday and I tagged along to take some photos. I found these ice skates for Alex at a garage sale last fall and they were just his size. Brad still had skates from college and really enjoys skating so we thought we'd introduce Alex to the ice. They practiced walking around in the skates first then hit the ice to try it out for real.

Alex seemed to enjoy being dragged around the ice by Brad. Mostly, Brad skated backwards and pulled Alex in front of him. I asked Alex if he'd like to take a toddler ice skating class up there and he seemed interested so I'll look into it for the winter. I think Brad's back did get sore after a while so maybe a few lessons for Alex will help.

1 comment:

Nicole Ivory said...

Looks like fun! Great way to keep him active in the freezing winter months in Chicago! You look great in your picture mama!