Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kris Kringle Family Night

Tonight was the Kris Kringle Family Night at Alex's school. The kids were able to decorate their own ice cream cakes, make ornaments, visit with Santa, and sing Christmas carols. Alex brought Vanessa along to show her all the fun he has at his school. We love going to these evening and weekend activities but I can't help but feel a little bad for the teachers who have been there all day. Maybe I'll have Alex write his teachers Thank You notes to go with their Christmas gifts. They really do go above and beyond, especially for a preschool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How nice of you to think of the teachers who have been at school all day and night. It's too bad more people don't consider us :) It's too bad more parents aren't like you and Brad. You guys make a teacher's life so much easier!